Learn French or english

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Did you know that in a traditional classroom setting, you only get an average of 10-25% of the teacher’s attention per class?

discover flexible training, small classes, and individual tutoring.

Get the attention you need, when you need it.

Graph and Girl analyzing

Afraid you’ll forget what you’ve learned just as soon as you’ve learned it?

Get the benefits of immersing yourself in French or English from the comfort of your own home or office.

Our portal’s 16 modules of audio, video, quizzes, and activities mean you’ll get the practice you need to integrate what you’ve learned.

With a 90% success rate in helping learners achieve their desired results, you can be confident we’ll help you reach your goals, whether they’re professional or personal.

Designed by pedagogical experts, our material is proven to help you learn more in less time. Our French and English programs have been tested by organizations, businesses, and agencies across Canada, such as the Montreal Opera, the Government of Canada, and Air Canada.  

Don’t worry about missing the fundamentals.

With our 16 language-training modules, you’ll get everything you need to be confident in French or English. If you’re a beginner learner, our early modules will teach you the fundamentals. 

And get the challenge you need to master concepts.

Are you an intermediate or advanced learner? Our material will challenge you to grow and master the skills you’ve already acquired. 

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Feel at ease knowing you can learn at times that work best for you. 

Unlimited access to our portal means you don’t have to wait for class to start to learn. You can learn at any time and from anywhere.  

And gain confidence in using English or French to excel in all areas of your life.

Connect to new friends and coworkers, write reports and emails like a pro, and easily understand audio and video at home and at the office. 16 modules packed full of writing, speaking, listening, and grammar exercises will give you a comprehensive language education and all the skills you’ll need to succeed.  

IT problems? We’re here to help!

When it comes to client support, you won’t find a more committed team.  

Access instant answers!

Easily look up detailed information on the concepts you’re learning right in our portal’s reference sections. You’ll save time and money because you won’t have to worry about needing multiple dictionaries and reference guides or having numerous tabs open in your browser.  

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People talking

Uncover a built-in support network.

You’re never alone in your language-learning journey. Connect to a network of fellow learners with Chit-Chat, a virtual communication network that easily connects people who are learning the same language, are at the same linguistic level, and who share common interests. Get tips and motivation. Form friendships. Discover new opportunities.  Looking for an expert opinion? Thanks to our forum, you’ll have access to a group of dedicated tutors right at your fingertips. Just post a question and get the help you need.  

Curious to learn more? Contact us for a FREE information session.

We’ll be happy to hear more about your needs and discuss how we can help you succeed.


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